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AGU 2018 Call for Abstracts

Dear Friends,

We invite you to submit an AGU abstract to our session on Coastal Sustainability and Resilience. This session is a follow-up to very successful sessions (two oral and one poster session totaling 32 presentations) on coastal sustainability that were offered in New Orleans last year.

With this year’s meeting in Washington DC, we expect to have a very lively and policy-relevant discussion on coastal sustainability with an emphasis on creating convergence that will encourage collaborative new ways of understanding and governing our shifting coastlines. We look forward to new insights and the emergent challenges/opportunities identified in the last year.

The deadline to submit an abstract is August 1, 2018.

We look forward to seeing you in DC!


Session ID#: 51428
Session Title: GC028 Creating Convergence among Academic, State, Federal, and NGO Initiatives to Enhance Sustainability and Resilience of Coastal Systems

Session Description:
Sustainable, resilient coastal environments require scientific advancements from interconnected studies covering a range of disciplines to effectively evaluate reciprocal feedbacks between coupled natural and human processes. For example, impacts of climate change prompt humans to alter the coastal land-margin which has implications for ecological systems as well as socioeconomic development, policy-making, and management of natural resources on multiple scales. A major goal of institutions worldwide (e.g., academia, state, federal, and NGO) is to produce transdisciplinary research outcomes that will inform society about sustainability practices and influence governance and decision making. This session integrates coastal systems studies that advance fields related to natural and social interactions with the broad aim of better understanding, implementing, and achieving convergence among the various coastal research communities. We invite presentations that address topics across the full spectrum of coastal sustainability and resilience, and encourage submissions from the engineering, natural sciences, and social sciences disciplines.

Primary Section/Focus Group: Global Environmental Change
SWIRL Theme: Climate

Index Terms:
0466 Modeling [BIOGEOSCIENCES]
1622 Earth system modeling [GLOBAL CHANGE]
1641 Sea level change [GLOBAL CHANGE]
4321 Climate impact [NATURAL HAZARDS]

EP – Earth and Planetary Surface Processes
H – Hydrology
NH – Natural Hazards
SI – Societal Impacts and Policy Sciences

Primary Convener:
Scott C Hagen, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

Denise DeLorme, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States
Kimberly G Rogers, Univ of Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States
Carol Wilson, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States

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