
  • 2019 City of Baker Recognition

    In February 2019 Baker City Council Member Glenda Bryant, on behalf of the City of Baker, recognized the Coastal Sustainability Studio for assisting with flood relief.

  • 2018 AIA Rose Award - Center for River Studies Exhibition

    In October 2018 the LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio was selected as a Rose Award recipient by Baton Rouge chapter of the American Institute of Architects for the Center for River Studies Exhibition. Rose award winners were selected by an independent jury based on design excellence.

  • 2015 Forty Under 40 - Business Report

    CSS Director Jeff Carney was selected as a 2015 honoree by the Business Report as being among the best and brightest professionals in Baton Rouge.

  • 2015 Special Mention in Constructed Ecology – d3 Natural Systems Design Competition

    The d3 Natural Systems competition is an emerging voice in alternative architecture and one of the most notable awards in speculative, performance-based design. The CSS team composed of several 2015 CSS Summer Interns and Research Fellows submitted a design, “Constructing Dynamism: A Tale of Two Basins”, that manages Louisiana’s coastline at the scale of hydrologic basins and uses the limited resources river to strategically build land.

  • 2014 Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Conference

    CSS Director and Associate Professor of Architecture Jeff Carney and Kristi Dykema Cheramie, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture, were competitively selected through a nationwide call to serve as Co-Chairs of the

  • 2013 Collaborative Practice Award - Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture

    The ACSA Collaborative Practice Award recognizes university architecture programs and projects that demonstrate how faculty, students, and community clients can work together to realize common objectives. Participation by colleagues from other academic disciplines is encouraged.

  • 2013 Excellence Award for Education or Advocacy – American Planning Association, Louisiana Chapter

    CSS received this award for its creation and management of the Louisiana Resiliency Assistance Program (LRAP). The mission of LRAP is to collect, develop, house, and disseminate current planning efforts, resources, and local best practices to promote, assist, and build networks around resilience planning in Louisiana.

  • 2013 Spirit of Community Award – Gulf of Mexico Climate Community of Practice

    CSS Associate Director Dr. Lynne Carter was selected by her peers in the Climate Community of Practice group as the individual most deserving of recognition for her leadership in climate planning, education, networking, and communication. The Gulf of Mexico Climate Community of Practice is made up of more than 400 education, outreach and extension professionals, as well as community leaders and planners, whose work includes contributing to the resilience of coastal communities.

  • 2013 Best Conference Paper – Architectural Research Centers Consortium

    “Fort Proctor: A Conditional Preservation” was named Best Conference Paper at the 2013 ARCC Annual Conference at the University of North Carolina – Charlotte. The paper, presented by Ursula Emery-McClure, A. Hays Town Professor of Architecture, and Bradley Cantrell, Associate Professor and Director of the School of Landscape Architecture, was based upon their team’s research funded by the LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio.

  • 2013 Student Collaboration Honor Award – American Society of Landscape Architects

    CSS graduate assistant Matthew Seibert and coastal sciences graduate student Eric Roy won this award for their project “Metabolic Change: Coastal Patterns of Human Settlement and Material Flow.” The project was advised by CSS Director Jeff Carney, CSS Executive Committee member John White, and Director and Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture Bradley Cantrell.

  • 2013 Finalist – The ONE Prize

    ONE PRIZE is an Annual Design and Science Award to Promote Green Design in Cities. CSS was 1 of 20 finalists out of 168 applicants worldwide for its project “Synthetic Mudscapes: Human Interventions in Deltaic Land Building.”

  • 2012 Peterson Prize

    The CSS-funded project “Fort Proctor” was awarded the National Park Service Peterson Prize, which recognizes the best set of measured drawings prepared to HABS standards and donated to HABS by students.

  • 2010 Venice Biennale

    CSS, collaborating with Princeton University and Guy Nordenson and Associates, was selected by the U.S. Department of State to present a series of five large-scale sediment diversions along the lower Mississippi River.

  • 2010 LSU Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture Director’s Award

    Director’s Award for Teaching won by Jeff Carney, CSS Director