Archived News
AGU 2018 Call for Abstracts
Dear Friends, We invite you to submit an AGU abstract to our session on Coastal Sustainability and Resilience. This session is a follow-up to very successful sessions (two oral and one poster session totaling 32 presentations) on coastal sustainability that were offered in New Orleans last year. With this year’s meeting in Washington DC, we expect to have...
New Course for Fall 2018!
ENVS 4004 ENVIRONMENTAL CAMPAIGNS Tuesday/Thursday 12 noon-1:20 pm This new interdisciplinary course provides an overview of communication concepts and strategies and firsthand experience in developing an outreach campaign to help address a selected environmental problem. Learn and gain skills in effective...
Research from the AGU Fall Meeting: Accumulating Sediment in Mississippi River Threatens Course Change, Water Supply
NEW ORLEANS — Accumulating sediment within the lower Mississippi River could, when coupled with a major flood, cause the river to abandon its current course, potentially ruining the drinking water source for roughly 1.5 million people, according to new research presented here today. The Mississippi River is an alluvial river,...