CSS News
Director Jeff Carney Speaks at Laboratoire Pacte
On December 11 at 3:30PM Director Jeff Carney will be speaking at Laboratoire Pacte in Grenoble, France. In conjunction with researcher Jennifer Buyck– whose research brought her to LSU and the CSS earlier this year– Jeff will speak on Community Design and Resilience in the Mississippi Delta. For more information...
“Inland from the Coast”, new CSS project funded through National Academies of Sciences and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
BATON ROUGE – LSU researchers lead two of the four projects awarded funding today from the National Academies of Sciences’ Gulf Research Program and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. All four projects aim to enhance the science and practice of resilience in coastal communities located in the Gulf of Mexico...
CSS Receives Grant Support from Foundation for Louisiana
The Foundation for Louisiana awarded to the LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio (CSS) a $10,000 grant in support of the August 16-18, 2017, Louisiana Community Resilience Institute Recovery and Resilience Workshop on behalf of elected officials from Louisiana communities impacted by August 2016 flooding. The following workshop participants will develop and...
CSS Research Faculty Traci Birch on UNO team that Recieves Oil Spill Grant Through Louisiana’s RESTORE Act Center of Excellence
Congratulations to Dr. Traci Birch who is a co-PI on a multi-university project called, “From Adapting in Place to Adaptive Migration: Designing and Facilitating an Equitable Relocation Strategy”. The project will evaluate populations in Terrebonne Parish to identify the opportunities and challenges in designing a relocation policy that retains traditional communities...
Helping LA Communities Achieve Long Term Flood Resilience
March 15-17, 2017, the LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio (CSS) hosted the Louisiana Community Resilience Institute (LCRI) Recovery and Resiliency Workshop in Alexandria, Louisiana, on behalf of five elected officials from Louisiana communities flooded during the spring of 2016. In preparation for the event, CSS worked directly with each official to...