CSS News
CSS Presentations at the State of the Coast Conference
June 1-3 in New Orleans, Louisiana, the CSS will be presenting several talks at the State of the Coast (SOC) Conference. The Conference is the “largest state-wide conference of its kind providing an interdisciplinary forum to exchange timely and relevant information on the dynamic conditions of Louisiana’s coastal communities, environment,...
CSS Hosts First Annual Louisiana Community Resilience Institute
In partnership with Louisiana Sea Grant and the Kresge foundation, the Coastal Sustainability Studio recently hosted the first Louisiana Community Resilience Institute on April 14-15, 2016 at LSU. The Institute brought together six mayors from Louisiana, and six nationally-renowned planning, urban design, coastal science, hazard mitigation, development, and engineering professionals. The goal of the...
CSS Announces Spring 2016 Brown Bag Lecture Series
The CSS Brown Bag Lecture Series brings a multi-disciplinary group of experts from around the world to present cutting edge research and projects on coastal issues. The series represents a variety of perspectives, including those from design, engineering, planning, and natural and social sciences. All lectures will be held in the...
Jeff Carney to Speak at Science Café
Update: Science Cafe cancelled due to inclement weather – will be rescheduled at a later date Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at Schlittz & Giggles, the CSS director Jeff Carney will be giving a talk at the LSU Science Café. Doors open at 5 p.m. for free food and networking, and the...
CSS Receives Special Mention in d3 Natural Systems Competition
The CSS received a Special Mention in the “Constructed Ecology” category for its submission “Constructing Dynamism: A Tale of Two Basins” to the 2015 d3 Natural Systems competition. The competition entry was created by a team of interns and CSS research fellows as a part of the 2015 CSS Summer Internship. Constructing Dynamism: A...