Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana Visualizations

Project Goals:

Barataria visualization
These two images will demonstrate two aspects of Coastal Louisiana for inclusion in a video being developed by CRCL. In addition these images will be shared widely by CRCL for advocacy through a number of media from print to power point. The images will also serve as educational materials for LSU and other institutions to use.

Graphic design for CRCL
Design of print materials to communicate general strategies for coastal restoration including but not limited to examples of specific projects located within the Barataria Basin. Materials will be used to compliment an educational video that CRCL has previously produced and additionally, will be suitable for stand-alone use outside of the context of the video. This will take the form of fold-outs, pamphlets, and /or other styles of informational hand-outs with the primary product envisioned as a 17’ x 22’ fold-out.

Project Team:
    • Jeff Carney Former Director, Coastal Sustainability Studio
    • Jacob Mitchell
    • Karen May
    • Sarah Schramm
    • Leanna Heffner
    • Nanfang Lu
    • Matthew Ketterer
    • Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana
Project Outputs: