Community Planning
Louisiana Community Resilience Institute
Project Goals:
The project goals include 1) build upon the foundation of LRAP; 2) help the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) to connect community and large scale environmental planning; 3) develop a tool that is workable both for CPRA and the state’s coastal communities; 4) develop and execute, through partnerships and webinars, an outreach program to instruct community leaders in use of the tool; 5) track municipalities as they utilize the tool and how it enhances their resiliency planning process.
Project Team:
- Jeff Carney Former Director, Coastal Sustainability Studio
Traci Birch, PhD, AICP
Interim Managing Director
Assistant Professor in the LSU School of Architecture - Katrina Durbak
- Brendan Gordon
- Lauren Sullivan
- Vedika Nigam
- Mikey Goralnik
- Carline Au
- Megan Echols
- Maureen Jackson
- Ana Orosco
- Rajan Karmacharya
- Julie Olson
- Kresge Foundation
- Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
As an extension of the Louisiana Resiliency Assistance Program (LRAP), the Coastal Community Resiliency Program (CCRP) promotes ways to build stronger, more resilient communities at the neighborhood, municipal, and parish level in Louisiana, particularly in light of environmental indeterminacy and risk.
This project focuses on an apparent disconnect between land-use planning, hazard mitigation planning, and the implementation process developed for the 2012 Louisiana Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast. This project proposes the development of a tool to better bridge these three essential yet currently disconnected processes.
Direct + Broader Impacts:
Much of the information collected is publically available as case studies and resources on the LRAP website ( This research and analysis also provides a foundation for the decision support materials produced for local communities in coastal Louisiana.
LCRI Elected Official Alumni:
CSS works closely with Louisiana communities to identify issues, customize educational and organizational structure, and tailor content for events before, during, and after an intensive workshop. To date, CSS has worked with 17 elected officials representing approximately 500,000 residents.
April 14-15, 2016
Mayor Frank P. Grizzaffi, III (Morgan City)
Mayor Timothy P. Kerner (Jean Lafitte)
Mayor Robert “Bob” Hardey (Westlake)
Mayor Tommy Eschete (Thibodaux)
Mayor Donald Villere (Mandeville)
Mayor Mike Cooper (Covington)
August 15-17, 2017
Mayor Darnell Waits (Baker)
Mayor Jr. Shelton (Central)
Mayor David McCreary (Livingston)
Police Juror Jack Clampit (Ouachita Parish)
Mayor Michael Lambert (Sorrento
Parish President Robby Miller (Tangipahoa Parish)
March 15-17, 2017
Mayor Wendy O’Quin Perrette (Bogalusa)
Mayor Roland Smith (Campti)
Mayor Dave Norris (West Monroe)
Mayor Jamie Mayo (Monroe)
Parish President Rick Nowlin (Natchitoches Parish)