Sponsors & Partners
In pursuit of “big idea” thinking and collaboration, CSS is looking for sponsors and partners to join us in promoting transformative coastal research and innovative design—including encouraging speculative design and outside-the-box thinking. For community leaders in coastal areas, CSS provides access to subject matter experts who address coastal resilience and adaptation by designing systems and strategies that reduce vulnerability to increased storm damage, coastal hazards, habitat degradation, and global environmental change.
- America’s Wetland Foundation
- American Architectural Foundation
- American Institute of Architects
- American Planning Association
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- American Society of Landscape Architects
- Baton Rouge Downtown Development District
- Center for Planning Excellence
- Charles Lamar Family Foundation
- Coastal Voices
- Gulf of Mexico Alliance
- Historic New Orleans Collection
- Kresge Foundation
- Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
- Louisiana Office of Community Development - Disaster Recovery Unit
- Louisiana Sea Grant
- LSU Ag Center
- Mayors’ Institute on City Design
- National Academies of Sciences - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- National Endowment for the Arts
- National Trust
- Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program
- U.S. Conference of Mayors
- W.M. Keck Foundation
- Water Institute of the Gulf
Support the CSS
CSS promotes research synthesis and applied problem-solving through partnerships in Louisiana and along the Gulf Coast. CSS actively engages in applied research and transdisciplinary project opportunities through contracts, grants, and partnerships to actively synthesize and integrate the discipline-specific research conducted at LSU. The feedback between research and application increases the ability of LSU to not only conduct research, but also create new, innovative strategies to address coastal issues.
CSS participates in and supports design competition opportunities and high risk/high reward transdisciplinary team research which exercised an integrated design and systems thinking approach, as these activities may reveal ground-breaking ideas and strategies to address complex coastal issues.
CSS works closely with the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) to innovate, implement and extend the State Masterplan for a Sustainable Coast. In addition to CPRA, CSS seeks other agency collaborations, funding opportunities, and project partners. Projects are developed through collaboration with local partners, subject to input and review by community members, local authorities, and other outside experts. CSS projects utilize ideas from many disciplines while also embracing the concepts of sustainability—resolving environment, equity, and economics—and ecosystem design, including green engineering, that expand the design capabilities of any one discipline.